

Subject:The New Clinton movie

 What will be the title of the movie made about the Clinton
 administration? asks the Washington Times.  Here are a few responses:

 Truth and Consequences
 Prince of Ties
 The Bad News Bares
 Dumb and Dumber
 Lady and the Tramp
 The Big Lewinsky
 Dial M for Monica
 Willy Wonka and the Cigar Factory
 Saving Private Lyin
 Easy Liar
 The Lying King
 Free Willy
 Animal Spouse
Terms of Impeachment
 The Wizard of Odds
Hip, Hip, Beret
 The Full Monica
 Romancing the Phone
 Sex, Lies on Videotape
 Sex, Ties and Audiotape
Waiting to Inhale
 The Eight Commandments
 Neither an Officer nor a Gentleman
Honey, I Shrunk the Presidency
 The Me Lie Massacre
 Bedtime for Bubba