

Dear PD List:

I had an appointment with an Internist today.  Nice doctor.  Not a buddy, but
that is OK, not supposed to be.  I am defiantly diabetic and will be attending
classes for such in the coming week.  Diet, nutrition, meds, exercise, caring
for myself and my feet (haha) and that took about 10 minutes.  After the
attention was turned to the lovely legs, soon to be entered in lovely legs
As I was sitting on the examining table, as he soon had me lie down, he began
to push on the flesh of my legs.  A little painful but compared to what has
been going on, I'll take it.  He thoroughly believes this a med conflict.  But
is not altogether sure which ones.  The problem being the capillaries in my
legs apparently gorged more blood into my legs then they could get rid of.
Little by little the blood is making it's trip back but it is not having much
luck so he has ordered a  "Vascular Doppler" Test  (I think)  with this test
(I do know) it will show how the vein, arteries are handling the trip back.
Not well, he suspects.  If not, the first thing that they will try will be
"Compression Stockings."  This way the blood will be forced to go back up.  We
did not discuss time frame in this or if this like the meds and diabetes would
be on going.

He needs to talk to my Psychiatrist about the Lithium as I have never had any
problems  with it and I as well as he are reluctant to pitch it out right
But he did say, he was going to call all the Doctors involved and have a
conference call to see if he could get everyone speaking, so this won't happen
I am fortunate as he deals heavily with Diabetic people, his stock and trade.
But I feel more confident then I have in a while.  Although I am very tired of
trying to believe in a doctor and coming away with a bloody nose.  From now on
I will research what is happening and take my part in the Conference calls
from this point out.

I am putting this here because a few others had feet and leg problems.  Don't
wait like I did, jump in there and get it sorted out.  Don't go through 4
months of this crap believing that the medical people are all wonderful and
good.  They are not.  Some let their reputations speak for them.   I too, am
going to let their reputations speak for them about my situation.
Thanks for caring for those of you who do.  You were the driving force behind
the search.  My hat is off to you all.