

>Ya know, if we're gonna put so much time and effort into the Udall Bill and
>securing funding, we've got to do it with the belief that a cure is
>imminent, but not get depressed when it doesn't come immediately.  I think
>politicians would respond even more positively if we came at them from a
>position of belief.  If we don't really believe in a cure (at least in our
>lifetimes), then we push that date out further.   By collectively believing
>in this cure, we then present ourselves from a place of greater power.  You
>have to be ready to be healed, as well, whenever that times comes.
>Irregardless of the drugs and surgeries that are developed with this money,
>they can't heal you if you still cling to the idea that this disease is
>fatal and relentlessly progressive.

Wendy (s) and all,

visualizing a positive future is beneficial in the psyche of each

motivation is a result of believing that a plan or program will succeed in
achieving a goal(s)  - but, all plans are tentative.  Basic research is the
hardest to plan intrinsically.

i believe that prevention is the primary goal. i also believe that psychic
cognition trained to be expert is most likely to gain most knowledge about
it's focus - idiopathic Parkinsonism - in this instance.

i also believe that placebo effect is a word label for the concept that
includes experiencing what we expect to experience.  the brain we have is a
wondrous evolved abstracting and thinking and controlling entity. believing
that it can cure can coincide with some curing - the psycho-somatic
capabilities that a healthy human brain possesses do this even as we
generate from the fertilized egg through birth, baby, child, ...   to
inevitable death.

attitude and competence are formed and modified by seeking and learning. a
quote attributed to Marcel Proust:
    We don't receive wisdom; we must discover it for ourselves after a
journey that no one can take for us or spare us.

(i modify the word "after" to "during".)  each psyche has potential far
beyond what most achieve .   we must discover - experience - live - be
captain of our ship (psyche, soul, cognition, awareness, expertise - all
that we become) in knowing the reality.

wishful thinking is oxymoronic.
believing differs from wanting to believe.
deciding to believe - also is not belief.
learning more about the human brain neural networkings is growth of
individual networks.  some will add to our collective body of knowledge (as
our words put it - label the state of the arts and sciences in toto).

enuff awreddy
i should be in beddy


Ronald Vetter  1936, dz PD 1984, carbidopa/levodopa, Mirapex, selegiline
[log in to unmask]     Ridgecrest, California