

At 05:47 PM 9/28/98 , Keith ([log in to unmask]) wrote:
>Add these and cough syrups like them to your list on contraindicators.
>Just after taking my first two tablespoons of Dayquil, I noticed a
>warning not to use it if you're also taking MAO inhibitors for
>Parkinson's.  Imagine my surprise!  I quickly called my neuro and
>learned there can be problems with elevated blood pressure, but two
>tablespoons of Dayquil/Nyquil plus 5 mg of selegeline twice a day
>probably wouldn't hurt me.  He said it could be more serious with some
>of the more powerful MAO inhibitors.
>I guess if you need some cough syrup you're just out of luck.
>Keith Chancey

Keith, this subject comes up every so often, and I am surprised that you
have not seen a more definitive answer.  I shall try to answer, but what I
am really hoping for is that a person who knows her/his stuff will step in,
call me on  my shallow perception, and offer an answer in depth.

Here is my understanding: there are two types of mono-amine oxidase
inhibitors (MOA-I), type A and type B.  Type A interacts with the
medications in the patent medicines such as Day-Quil and Sudafed.  Type B
does not.

Eldepryl (Selegiline) is a selective MOA-I, type B only, when taken in
small quantities.  Ten mg per day is considered a small quantity.  In
larger quantities, it loses its selective property and becomes both A and
B.  Therefore, it may become dangerous, so the warning is necessary.

Eldepryl and Demerol - still a potentially deadly no-no!!!

So -FWIW...there's a bit more of  the story.



 Arthur Hirsch {} [log in to unmask] {} Lewisville, TX {} 972-434-2377
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