

This news item is submitted more in humour(combined with a small dose of
cynicism)than in anger. Our American friends working hard for Udall funding
may take this as a challenge:

In Friday's Globe and Mail (Canada's "national" newspaper) this small item
appeared in the international news section of the paper:

        Viagra bill chokes Pentagon

        Washington. the U.S. Department of Defence will spend an estimated
$50-million this year to provide Viagra, the new drug for sexual        impotence,
to soldiers, sailors, flyers, retirees and their        dependents.

        The original cost estimate was $100-million. The figure was pared to
$50-million after officials restricted prescriptions to men with a
diagnosed disorder and limited individual use to six pills a month.

I'm not sure what it really means, but phrases such as 'mixed up
priorities,' 'lack of proportion' and 'stupidity' come to mind.

Bets to everyone & TTFN,


Peter Kidd
Learning Materials Consulting Services
62 Coronation Avenue, Halifax, Nova Scotia B3N 2M6 Canada
Tel/FAX: (902) 443-4262 Email: [log in to unmask]