

> From:          [log in to unmask]
> Subject:       NADH

> About a year ago, much was written about NADH.  Is anyone still using it?
> What kinds of results  have you had?
 I have been for the last five months  or so trying to evaluate the
beneficial effects of energy boosting food supplements on my PD .
These substances are NADH .CoQ10 and lipoic acid . The trouble I have
found is trying to devise an experiment that would show energy
levels . Repeatability is the hallmark of a scientific experiment .
Because my energy level varies so much with my PD it does not provide
a level surface from which to measure the effects of the energy
boosting  substances . When I am " on " I have more energy than when
" off "and dyskinesia is the worst state for energy . Even within
these states there is great variation . I used to think that L-dopa
kept me alert but of late I find that I have great difficulty keeping
my eyes open during the day when I am " on " with the L-dopa .
Because of these difficulties I have not come to any definitive
conclusion except that PD is not in my view not a mitochondrial
dysfunction . If PD were caused by the inefficiency of the cells to
produce energy then I feel that these energy boosting substances would
have a much more obvious effect . Ther are many suppliers on the web
. I have tried two different makes of NADH, two different makes of
Lipoic acidand so far only one CoQ10 . I have found little
quantifiable effect from any of these ( this of course could be due
to my particular PD ) This experiment is not crucial
to PD so it is on the back burner( in my view).
  I am currently engaged in setting up an experment to assess the
viral -PD connection . This will involve travelling to Mexico where
medicinal drugs are more easily obtainable .
  Conclusion  In my view the lack of energy is not central to PD . So
if one can cure whatever is causing PD then energy levels would
return to normal .The use of energy boosting substances like NADH is
marginal in the treatment of PD .
          Alastair     ( [log in to unmask] )