

Thanks for that info, I should not have assumed that all HMO's are bad news.
If they would all take care of patients like Kaiser, I assume they would be
able to make money and still provide good care.  I have been having enough
problems with a PPO, which should be better, but they make many errors and
hold bills and keep making excuses for slow payments to doctors.  I am
constantly complaining to my employer, but it does not seem to help.  I also
do not like the concept of having to see one doctor to get permission to see
another, it is hard enough to miss work for one appointment and the extra
travel is a waste.  Of time.  MOST people know what kind of doctor they need
to see without having to have the blessing of a primary care doctor.  If I had
Parkinson's, I would not want to deal with those rules.   [log in to unmask]