

With all the attention given in the media to impeachment, it's rare
to see news on the Labor / Health and Human Services / Education
appropriations bill, which contains funding for NIH.  Here's what I

The House will bring its version of the bill to the floor for debate
and voting this week, according to the Congressional Record Digest
dated 10/2. The way was cleared by a vote last Wednesday on a rule
under which debate will proceed.

The Senate version, on which the respective Senate appropriations
committee completed its work some time ago, is still not scheduled
for floor action. After a Senate vote, then differences between the
two versions will have to be resolved by a joint House-Senate

So far only 4 of the 13 general appropriations bills which fund
government operations for fiscal 1999 (which began October 1) have
been passed by Congress.  Government funding has been extended for
one week beyond fiscal 1998 by emergency legislation, and could be
further extended.  It appears this session of Congress is headed for
a slam-bang finish.

You may check for the current
day's legislative schedule and for a summary
of the preceding day's activity.

Phil Tompkins
Hoboken NJ