

I have struggled with how to answer your statements/questions.
The idea that you want people to "suffer" before putting poison in
their systems cut me because I believe that I have this stupid
disorder because of the "poison" that humanity has polluted the
earth with.
Suffer?  What do you call suffer?  I was 46 when diagnosed.  I had
been diagnosed with clinical depression for 2 + years before seeing
the neurologist.  The doctors all said I had typical PD symptoms,
tremor, rigidity, etc., but I was too young. The doctors waited that 2
years watching my tremor grow until my right hand (yes I am right
handed) was useless to me most of the time. They waited until I
could not keep up with a simple schedule or work or anything.
When I was at last sent to the neurologist, he was seeing me in a
terrible state. And, yes he, in my opinion, over medicated me at
first. However, I can understand a little why. We have had a good
relationship and have changed the meds until now, life is tolerable.
I do not know about others reading your letter, but you might get
the idea that I am a little offended by someone telling me that I
should suffer rather than take meds to help make my life tolerable.
In any case, everyone, as we so often remind each other, is
different.  Even though we all have "PD" we each must cope with
the parts of it that are given to us as individuals. Sometimes I think
that if PD was all I had to cope with, it would be a snap.  When you
add PD to all the other life happenings one has, the result can be
very difficult.
Now that I have this off my mind, I will try to get into a better humor.

"don't forget how to laugh, and do it often"
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