

Dear Janice & Sharon,
     I just started,this past Tuesday, a group experience using the
    Feldenkrais Method and as a veteran of many therapies I can tell
    you it was a great beginning. There were only 10 or so participants
    so there was much time to seek some individual attention. There
    were only two rules "Be aware" and "pay attention" It was incredible
    gentle as I moved with out any wish to compete with myself [or any one
    else] One uses a mat to lay on and while I was aware of the fact that        there were other people in the room I couldn't see them because I was
    lying on my back and because I had no wish to see them. It is a purely       hedonistic experience.

      By the way I think that people who use services only when they
    have to are missing the point as are people who utilize only one
    or two services at a given time. The time for a new therapy is when it       makes good sense to you not when you have to. You need, at some level,
    to try and get ahead of this disease. Don't wait till your muscles start     to waste away before you start exercising them. In addition to               Feldenkrais I work out at a gym 3 times a week,take horseback riding
    lessons[to work on my balance and coordination], swimming lessons [to        work on my coordination], 90 minute massage weekly [to keep my muscles       toned and loose],see my physical therapist monthly to work on new ideas,
    take my meds as scheduled [primary drugs are sinemet,tasmar and              mirapex] Walk 1-3 miles daily half of it backward[which helps
    with my balance and building strength in my quads] and watch
    what I eat-but not rigidly and acupunctured every other week to work on     my 'emotional life."  george