

gee, peter, i hoped you were kidding!

In a message dated 1998/10/03  10:15:23, you write:
>>Viagra bill chokes Pentagon
>> Washington. the U.S. Department of Defence will spend an estimated
>> $50-million this year to provide Viagra, the new drug for sexual impotence,
>> to soldiers, sailors, flyers, retirees and their dependents.
>> The original cost estimate was $100-million. The figure was pared to
>> $50-million after officials restricted prescriptions to men with a
>> diagnosed disorder and limited individual use to six pills a month.
> I'm not sure what it really means, but phrases such as 'mixed up
> priorities,' 'lack of proportion' and 'stupidity' come to mind.

how about 'hysterically funny' and 'that god - she's such a kidder!'


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