

For the record, I take amitriptyline nightly.  I also take selegeline.
Both were prescribed by my neuro, and I have experienced no
complications.  I DO NOT take Sinemet, however.


Hans van der Genugten wrote:
> Fri, 2 Oct 1998 10:18:51 -0400 Lanier Maddux <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
> Are we sure that Elavil/amitriptyline in on the list? I know that many
> PWP's are taking this drug. I have some on hand that was prescribed by
> my doctor. I thought this was a very usefull drug for PWP's.
> Hello Lanier,
> I'm sure Amitriptyline belongs on the list. The combination with levodopa
> can give problems. As with all the meds on the list, they are there NOT
> because it's SURE it will give problems for PWP, but because there is a
> significant CHANCE that there will be problems for a lot of PWP when they
> use a combination with listed meds. The purpose of the list is a serious
> warning that you need to pay attention. Some combinations almost always give
> problems with all PD-meds, other combinations only give problems with one
> specific PD-med.
> Hans.