

Hi Joy:  I read with interest your post about Lithium.  I have taken Lithium
for about 8-10 years for Bipolar Manic Depressive Disorder, along with
Depakote, and Paxil.  I was fortunate with the one doctor, my psychiatrist is
a pretty good one.  He has done a withdrawal of the lithium and Depakote over
the years.  Taking me off and putting me on an alternative med.  As with the

When the tremors became a problem he took me off lithium and Depakote, knowing
that that could cause tremors and symptoms of Parkinson's.  I am still on
Lithium, Depakote and Paxil for the Bipolar Disorder.  Symptoms never changed
on or off the Lithium, Depakote or Paxil.  I know when my meds are helping or
hurting, so I watch and then report to him what is happening to me.

When we hit upon this med combination, I  was never more relieved after these
meds were working for me.  I became someone that people could be around.  No
more speeding highs then the lows plummeting to the basement.  I can be
somewhat human.  But we still do watch these meds.  Now, especially with PD
meds added and now again with diabetes meds soon to be added.

Tuesday I am going to Vascular Doctor is see what is wrong with my legs.
believes that it is still a med conflict, t.oo j

I will soon find out what is problem.

Thanks for your support,
Hugs                        [[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[Brig &