

^^^^^^WARM GREETINGS  FROM^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
Ivan Suzman         48/12         [log in to unmask]
Portland, Maine    Land of lighthouses       deg. F
Thank you for your endorsement of Ivan's suggestion. You have said
exactly what I would
have, but much more succinctly

On Sun, 4 Oct 1998 17:50:40 +0000 Brian Collins <[log in to unmask]>
>The discussion regarding mention of the time when first symptoms can
>identified has some technical merit, I believe.  The date on which we
>were diagnosed is really just another point on the chart which we use
>measure our decline, and depends on such a lot of variable factors,
>least the question of the skill of the particular specialist making

I think most of us can remember the first time we couldnt get the food to
stay on the fork long enuff for it to reach our mouths.  - or other
similar incident that marks the first personal awareness of something
being wrong. But I think it is just as significant how long it took us to
find a doctor and then h ow long iti took the doctors to identify PD. And
how many mistakes and misdiagnoses on the way. And how many unnecessary
surgeries, or wrong meds till we reached the point of actual diagnosis..

>   The 'Time from first symptoms' is perhaps in some ways more
>than the diagnosis point, and I would support its inclusion. >Of course,
20/20 hindsight is not totally reliable, but I like it
>out in the open, rather than hidden away.

>Just to be quite clear that I understand the proposal; I assume it to
>be :
>                                 Age Now /
>                   Years since diagnosis /
>  years from first symptoms to diagnosis /
Your assumption is incorrect.   .
  The identification signature would be :
                                     Age now/
                      Years since first noticeable symptoms/
                Years since definitive diagnosis

And this I think tells a whole story , and also brings home the need for
some sort of definitive  diagnostic test for PD .

Hilary Blue   (49/25/16)
(On Special  Assignment)
P.S. Please excuse me, Scrabble just called.