

At 10:39 PM 10/4/98 , Phil Tompkins wrote:

>As for me, I like to know where people are located, as opposed to
>just being in cyberspace, so I include my city, but that's just my
>own quirk.
Me, too, Phil.  I think that if we know where somebody is from, it may be
easier to help them - or get help from them.

Case in point - my Physical Therapist here in the Dallas area has a college
roommate (as of 50 years ago) from Tallahassee, FL, who needed help.  Just
at that time, someone from Tallahassee was active on the list, and I was
able to get a message out by private e-mail.

When I was at the PAN Forum, I met someone from Don McKinley's town.  I'd
like to know where everybody lives.

When I put the photos on the web recently, I tagged most people by state -
same kind of reasoning.

When we add up all we ask people to do in their e-mails to the list - no
attachments - no styled text - get rid of superfluous "reply verbiage" -
keep the subject apt - don't send private messages via the list - etc.,
it's a wonder that I ever remember to add even 62/12 after



 Arthur Hirsch {} [log in to unmask] {} Lewisville, TX {} 972-434-2377
 (nickname on instant mail, ICQ, and chat programs is cutterson)

   PAN Forum and other photos: