

Nicotineamide Adenine Dinucleotide, reduced (H) is a rather ubiquitous
substance in the life of individual cells including brain cells.  There it
plays many roles ass an enzyme co factor.  It is, for instance, an
indispensable cofactor in the production and function of tyrosine hydroxylase
(the rate-limiting enzyme in the production of dopamine.

Some say this substance can substitute for a great deal of L-dopa.

Others use it as an adjunct therapy to a more or less standard regimen of
Sinemet, Permax, Mirapex, etc., ( with the idea of being able to cut back on
the other meds.)

Unfortunately no "self respecting " physician  will touch it (at least to my
knowledge) because there has not been enough published extensive studies.  Dr
Birkmayer of Vienna Austria holds the US patent on it as a food supplement.

Because of this situation, unfortunately, one must choose to take it without
knowing the potential dangers, if any, from interactions and side effects.

WHH 55/19/19