

hi hans

the more i looked around for an answer to your question
about the name of our list
the more confused i got
so i went directly to the source:
barb patterson's web-page on the People With Parkinson's WebRing
and i thought it worth repeating here

from Barb Patterson's web-site:


The Parkinsn Information Exchange Network (PIEN) was started
on November 8, 1993 by Judy Norris, University of Toronto, and
me (co-owners) in response to an "unmet need" for this service.

There are now more than 1600 members from more than thirty-
two countries. Fifty-two of the first one hundred members remain
on the list. We are people who have been diagnosed with
Parkinson's and who are also husbands, wives, parents,
grandparents, lawyers, artists, writers, poets, musicians, teachers,
professors, nurses, doctors, psychiatrists, neurologists, surgeons,
engineers, laborers, secretaries and an ex-CIA agent. We are
family caregivers/carers of people diagnosed with Parkinson's.

We are professional caregivers including nursing home workers,
physiotherapists, speech therapists, neuro-team members,
doctors, nurses and researchers. We are educators, professors
and students. We are political activists and pharmaceutical
company representatives and media representatives. We are "list
exploders" which relay PIEN messages to other groups.

The University of Toronto is the host for PIEN, providing free of
charge, the hardware and software to manage the membership list
and distribute messages. Membership is open and free to all. The
only cost involved is for whatever Internet service provider a
member uses to read an average of twenty-five messages a day.

Each message posted to the list by a member is automatically
distributed to every member of the PIEN by the "Listserver"
software. The position of "listowner" is an unpaid, volunteer one.

Other volunteers regularly post instructions on how to interact with
the Listserver and search the archives which contain every
message ever posted to the PIEN including many scientific
publications. The archives are a "unique resource" of information
about living and working with Parkinson's.


hope this is helpful, hans


to all and sundry -
do you have a web-page?
is it a link on the People With Parkinson's WebRing?
mine is
barb's is
camilla's is
jerry finch's is
cyber-dad-don's is
the national parkinson foundation's is
if yours isn't, it should be!
check out our web-ring-master jerry finch at:
or e-mail him at:
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janet paterson - 51/10 - almonte/ontario/canada
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