

At 09:05 PM 10/5/98 -0400, you wrote:
>^^^^^^WARM GREETINGS  FROM^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
>Ivan Suzman         48/12/9.5         [log in to unmask]
>Portland, Maine    Land of lighthouses   46    deg. F
>Dear friends,
> 30 replies already to my post on our Identification Formula, each one as
>interesting as the next!  I guess I hit upon a  topic we all think about.
> Has anyone ever asked you, 'How long have you had PD?" A diagnosis
>almost always comes after several yearsa of strange symtpoms.
>I am going to start identifying myself with a new, three-part I.D. I can
>use this ID to compare other listmembers to myself.  In that process, I
>can learn how my age at onset ( 36 or 37) and age at diagnosis (39.5)
>compare to other folks on the List.
> IVAN as you have seen i am 74/30  my men and nero say it is possebole ro
me to have had it 10 year earyer hate to think of it that way   40 years is
long long time to have had pd. VIVIAN and my nero says as times go by i am
getting worse so i ty to keep lot of of my mind. my cpu is set up to put me
on post by pushing one key and to get family email address or i would have

                                  I.Y.Q.  DON & VIVIAN