

National Institutes of Health
who decides how much goes where?

By Alexandra Matisoff-Li
September 24, 1998

"Every year the National Institutes of Health spends $110
annually per death resulting from AIDS, compared with
$2 per death from stroke and $3 per death from heart
disease. Who decides and what's behind the politics?

With a 1998 budget of nearly $14 billion, the NIH is the
nations largest single funder of biomedical research.
But few fixed rules govern how the NIH prioritizes the
diseases it researches. The agency has weathered
criticism that the funding process has become too
politicized by congressional funding directives,
earmarked for specific diseases, as the result of
lobbying by special interest groups. And a recent report
recommended the agency use more rigorously scientific
methods of priority setting and spending and better
justify spending decisions to Congress and the public.

.... For the rest of the story...go to: