

 Now Ida, do I have this correctly? -- Amantadine IS in fact an antiviral
>medication, but, its effectiveness in reducing tremor in PD is because it
>is  ALSO a glutamate antagonist, and glutamates inhibit dopamine.


That is not completely correct. Amantadine  started its career as a med,
against virusses.
It was discovered by coincidence. I guess  a PWP suffered from the flue,
that it amelioreated
too PD. But why it could do so was for a long time a mystery. I don't know
how and when it
is discovered to be an anti-glutamate too. But it seems to be (so they Say).

But there is more. Researchers do know much of the role of glutamate.  To
understand this
one has first to know that in the CNS much systens are managed by two
transmitters(who are
antagonist in relation to each other and are mutual inhibiting. One example
are dopamine and
acetylcholine in the subthalamus These two should inhibit each other but in
PWP's this equilibrium is disturbed bylacking dopamine. So the
acetylcholine is too active. That causes a too high level
f tension in the muscles.One can partly restore the equilibrium by taking
dopamine, but
also by taking an anti-cholinergic, which causes a new equilibrium on a
lower level.
Another partner of dopamine is glutamate. They both manage the level of
activity in
.o.the Globus Pallidus. So in PWP,s the glutamates are too active in the
Globus Pallidus,
and that caueses a too high level of motor activity, which cannot be
inhibited. This is
the main cause of wearing off- or interdose- or evening dyskinesias and
cause too
Akathisia which is something like not being able to keep oneself seated.
So antiglutamates can do in the globius pallidus the same as
in the subthalamus. That is why some researchers are trying to produce a
which works with enough specificity, so it does not cause intolarable
side-effects. These
glutamate-antagonists are also expected to be effective against craving
responses of
drug addicts, who are kicking off.
I did found the university of Tuebingen Germany as a place where research
among this line is
Regards IDA

Vriendelijke Groeten / Kind regards,

Ida Kamphuis                            mailto: [log in to unmask]