

It is situations like this that make me so angry at my own helplessness.
Why? Why should a wealthy, educated industrial society like ours allow
things like this to happen? Its not that the money isnt there. They
could afford $40milion for the Starr invesrtigation - why not a couple
of thousand to provide proper medical care for Lynn, or live in
care-givers for Ivan, or some backup for me, so my kids didnt have to go
to foster care?Who cares who the president had affairs with - as long as
it wasnt a Mata  Hari who seduced state secrets out of him ! But the
lives of the citizens, these are important. The health, happiness,
welfare of the individuals that make up this great nation, the little
people that are the building blocks out of which the country is made.
EAch one of us is somebody, and each one of us deserves the best
treatment. No one should be denied medical treatment because he has used
up all his allotment! Will they start  rationing the air we breathe next

Hilary Blue(49/25/16)

Lorraine Jeffe wrote:
> Thanks to Ivan  I  learned about Lynn.  I just called his home and I am also
> worried.He just got out of the hospital.He has used up all the time that he's
> allowed for hospital stay and is in very bad shape.It seems he lives in a
> rural area (Rolling Rock, Mississippi) with his mother. Vicksburg, Greenville,
> and Jacksonville  are something like an hour and a half away. I think he has
> been in a rural hospital. I spoke with him,his mother and Gay Jones from Home
> Health care. She said she was going  to contact a social worker on Monday to
> see what help they can get him. I said I'd get on the internet and see if
> there is any one that can help.Paying for medical care is obviously a problem.
> Also seeing a good neurologist  seems to be needed.
> Robin Elliot was in part of our conversation in Washington and thought I'd try
> and contact him.
> To repeat Lynn's phone number: 601-873-2600. Gay Jones telephone number:
> 601-873-2428. She would welcome any suggestions. The only other family that
> Lynn seems to have is a brother somewhere in Fla.
> Lorraine Jeffe