

Hello everybody!

Christmas has come early.  As so you know, I'm starting on a new research
project involving online support communities.  Today, I attended a
Parkinson's disease symposium where my neurologist, Dr. Stephen Reich,
announced that Johns Hopkins has been established as one of the three
research centers for Parkinson's disease.  The initial funding is a million
dollars a year for five years.  Dr. Reich will be the director of the
research center.

Afterwards, I was talking with Dr. Reich and mentioned my new project.  He
said he would be very interested in pursuing research in that direction.  He
said that it would be no problem to get the center to fund my research.  I
guess that makes me an indirect recipient of an NIH grant.

While I'm on the subject, I've been doing some initial investigation into
existing online systems.  The one I tried a couple of days ago sent what
turned out to be a rather aggressive "invitation message".  It made me sound
like a huckster.  I guess you get what you pay for :-)

It will probably take me a couple of months to get things set up.  After
that I will be asking for volunteers.  (The pay is lousy, but the fringe
benefits are fantastic).

Sinemet CR & Mirapex