

Hillary and anyone else effected.  ,

I suppose I need to offer an apology for last nights posting in re: nocturnal

I checked what I said this morning, and to my surprise, still agree with the

Because we are leaving today for a couple of weeks away from home (leaving
behind our big mean, ugly daughter and two vicious attack hounds) I felt
compelled to put something out then.  I didn't know I would have this much
time this morning.

While the content is reasonable, I am a little put off by the word choice and
syntax.  Both sound a little spacey to me and for good reason.  Clozaril turns
off ones mind (good for sleep, bad for writing material which makes sense).
Every phrase was a fight.  Usually I toss in a few complete non-sequitors
(something like Mark Mgwire's record).

I hope you find/found the piece a help.  Sorry it contained no great

WHH 55/19