

^^^^^^WARM GREETINGS  FROM^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
Ivan Suzman         48/12/9.5         [log in to unmask]
Portland, Maine    Land of lighthouses   42    deg. F
  Ida, thank you for explaining how AMANTADINE is effective in treating
PD.  My neurologist thought it was its anti-viral action, and so did I,
but after reading your post, I have come to a new understanding.

Now, Ida, do I have this correctly? -- Amantadine IS in fact an antiviral
medication, but, its effectiveness in reducing tremor in PD is because it
is  ALSO a glutamate antagonist, and glutamates inhibit dopamine.

 In other words, amantadine protects dopamine by blocking glutamates from
inhibiting dopamine!

Your recent posts are VERY helpful.  THANKS, Ida ---  and please correct
my understanding of amantadine if I am mistaken.  Thanks again,