

Good evening William,
    I too, take sinemetCR/ 50/200.  I take 8crs+.5 mirapex 3v times a
day+50mgs. of tasmar 3 times a day+ ,5 of cogentin twice a day.  I also take
reg. sinemet 25/100 as needed to "jumpstart" CRs.(I use as little as 1/8 of
the 25/100.
  I take only thecrs at night.  If i don't take enough sinemet i can't turn
over.  And i would be so rigid in the morning it would take me at leasf 1/2 a
day to loosen up.
  You mentioned i assume  a blood level  for dopamine and leva-dopa.  How do
we obtain a measurement of these levels?  How do we know what level of
dopamine and leva -dopa we need to maintain?
       Also,do you have any difficulties with   dyskinesia?
You also mentioned musxcle cramping-I have dystonic type pain in my right leg
and my right shoulder--had a pallikdotomty in 1998--diag. in 1982

any info-you can share would be appreciated.--pete