

Dear Ken:

I wanted to write and tell you how things are going.  Well I have now gone
back to see the General Surgeon.  He is a nice Greek man.  I was married to a
Greek first time out.  I have lost 10 lb. in a week which I was tickled.  He
stated that he wants another 15 lb. off this next week.  I have decided to
start to go to him as my doctor.  He is new in the area.  Came to Indiana from
Texas from Baylor (OH).  Married, with child, good knowledgeable doctor. Said
the gams are still so full of fluid and walking on the treadmill will help.  I
am walking on the treadmill.  The dogs love the walk.  They fall asleep on it
when no one is on there.

They have dropped my Lithium level to 900 from 1800.  I am very  manic and am
hoping the blood test today will help them to up my lithium before I end up in
the Bell Tower.  I am now taking Sinemet and Mirapex.  Need to have it
adjusted Sinemet runs out when I need it most.

I am learning to stick myself 4x a day to test my blood sugar.  I have found
out that most of the diabetes supplies are not covered by insurance.  I was
thrilled to find that out.  So, now it is a non-covered insurance disease.
Well, now we apply for more things.
I do have neon Band-Aids for the stick wounds, my fingers glow in the dark.
So, if I am poking them you can see which ones have been stuck, in hot neon
pink, neon yellow, neon green.  I am getting the hang of this meter thing.  If
you turn the test strip over, the meter works.  I wondered what to do with the
lancets?  I called the local hospital and questioned them.  Well, it seems
that the hospital doesn't dispose of them (doesn't want to) so get a heavy
duty bottle like Downey Softness, and put them in there.  Next place the
lancets that are in the Softener bottle in the regular trash not the
recyclable but the landfill trash.  Made me wonder.  These little things can
be incinerated to ash.  But no lets put them in the Landfill where my
grandchildren will build a home on my lancets.
I will have contributed to their happiness.  I question how we are going to
keep both PD and Diabetes under control as well as the Bipolar, asthma,
allergies, this new vascular problem.  I was told to get a Cardiologist.
Just some new things to do.  I can't seem to find a good doctor, what makes
him think I can find a good Cardiologist.

Makes no sense.  I am not DR poor.