

New herbal guide for doctors

NEW YORK, Oct 13, 1998 (Reuters) -- A new guide to herbal remedies is
aimed at giving doctors and health care workers
unbiased data to guide patients who may be taking such alternative
therapies. The book is being released by the same publishers
of Physician's Desk Reference (PDR), a guide to prescription and
nonprescription medications used by most doctors.

The PDR for Herbal Medicines will be available in November, according to
the Medical Economics Company, based in
Montvale, New Jersey.

The book will contain findings from the German Federal Commission E, the
main source of information on herbal remedies used
in Europe.

``For each herbal product, physicians will be able to access a review of
available information on indications, pharmacological
effects, proper dosage, precautions, adverse reactions, symptoms of
overdose and recommended emergency treatment, along
with exhaustive citations from the professional literature,'' according
to a statement released by the company.
Judith Richards, London, Ontario, Canada
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