

J.R. -  We both are.  I simply reiterated Judith's citation.  Certainly
your iteration of the study fits Judith's transmission.  I suspect we are
talking about the same study  - but if I erred, I am sure NEJofM will
clarify it.

At 9:01 PM 10/16/98, J. R. Bruman wrote:
>robert l dolezal wrote:
>> To the editor:
>> I am writing to request clarification of statistical data presented in The
>> New England Journal of Medicine 1998;339:1105-1111, an article entitled
>> "Brain Surgery Helps Severe Parkinson's."
>Bob, one of us is confused. At the Kaiser Medical Library just today
>I copied the first page of the article at the location you cite. Its
>title is:
>"Electrical Stimulation Of The Subthalamic Nucleus In Advanced
>Parkinson's Disease" by P. Limousin and several others including
>one of the principal developers of DBS for PD, A. Benabid. It's
>a good account of their long-term follow-up of 24 DBS recipients,
>but I must have missed the disturbing estimates of PD incidence
>that prompted your letter. Cheers,
>J. R. Bruman   (818) 789-3694
>3527 Cody Road
>Sherman Oaks, CA 91403-5013