

Dear wise and knowledgable people out there,

I have  just had a phone call from the public health nurse to tell me
that my daughter showed a very stroong positive reaction on a TB test.

Now this is not the first time.

When she was three years old, the same thing happened. That time, we
were sure that she had not been exposed to any  possible source of TB,
and my (somewhat paranoid) husband and I took her to countless
specialists of one sort and another - pediatriciians, lung specialists,
radiologists, immunoligists - infectious diseases specialists - you name
it, we saw them. And the general consensus of opinion was that the child
had an allergilc reaction to the test.

I tried to explain this to the nurse,  but she would have none of it.
The X-ray shows nothing, but that is not definitive. The rulebook states
that the child has to take medication for  6 months.  I dont know what
to do.Do I agree to what is probably a totally unnecessary medication,
or do I try and object?  Because, now she is in foster care, and I have
to be careful - who knows how any action of mine might be interpreted.
And if they test her again at the end of 6 months, and she still shows

Any comments?

Hilary BLue