

Dear Don-- it made us sad to know you  were feeling so discouraged--you are
the number one role model for the list, and I surely hope you won't leave!
Your courage and fighting spirit are an inspiration to us, even though
sometimes you, like all PWPs , have times when the struggle seems too hard.
That's OK, Don, you are allowed to be human and have bad days---but you are
still  right up there at the top of my list of heroes!  I read your post to
Peter, and he shares my wish that tomorrow you will feel better--he says,
"Hang in there, Don."

 Don't give up on funding for research either--here is what Harold Jones
just wrote:

>Congress has apparently raised the NIH budget by 14 %. We haven't
>yet heard if PD will have their share of the increase, but there is hope.

And a few days ago, someone posted reports of new and exciting research
underway.  Don't give up hope!

Peter and I wondered if you have told your wonderful and caring neuro (who
actually makes home visits to you) how bad you are feeling now?   Since you
don't tell us about your meds, I don't know if you take antidepressants, as
so many PWPs do, Peter included.  They can help to  help you see the light
at the end of the tunnel.  There are times when all of us have to "sit back
and let someone do it for us"--and I know you have never  been one to take
that path easily......we all know about your patio, roof etc. and the other
things you do around the house and yard. We remember that you crawled up
and down a board to get to your basement!  The person you are and what you
have given to all of us on the list  is a gift you give to all of us.
It's OK to cry sometimes, and to tell us how bad you feel--it gives us a
chance to tell you how WE  feel about YOU----

        WE "Y Q" !!!

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