

Altho' I am not gay, when I first heard of this incident, I was furious, in
a manner similar to the morning when I first read about the child bombing
victims in Northern Ireland.  I sat down that night to write a poem about
it, only to have to change it a few days later when he died.  The rewrite
ended up being completely different.  I'm including it here for those list
members who are gay, to know that they have my full support.  I have also
fowarded this poem to people like Pat Robertson, and I even called his
prayer line that night to both pray for Matthew's recovery, and plus to make
a point, by kinda using the religious right's own prayer line against
themselves, so to speak.

I believe murder and hate to be far more evil that a person's sexual
orientation, and if people have a beef with them, then they should take it
to the "Big Cheese", cuz he made us all the way we are, for better or worse.
As such, this poem could also apply to all of us:


Man is
As he was created
By a God
Who creates
Both saints
And sinners

As such
Man and woman
Black and white
Rich and poor
Christian and Jew
Tall and short
Gay and straight
Yin and Yang
Are all beloved
By God

To curse that
Which God
Has made
Is to question
His authority
And his wisdom

The only sin
Is being untrue
To oneself
And thus to God
One must be true
To the desires
Of the heart
Which God himself
Has there placed

God is infinite
And thus above duality
How say ye then
That straight is good
And gay is evil?
Are ye not then
Calling God evil?
For as he hath
Created both
Both are also
In his image

Would it not rather
Be evil
To be straight
When God has instead
Created ye gay?
For then are ye not
God himself
Your creator?

Ye which condemn
That which God
Has created
Are evil
For ye are not like
The God which
Ye proclaim

For God is
Love eternal
And cares not
What sex ye are
Or are not

And cares not
How ye love
But simply
That ye love
One another
As he also
Loves you
And has commanded
Ye to do

*copyright Wendy Tebay