

^^^^^^WARM GREETINGS  FROM^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
Ivan Suzman         48/12/9.5         [log in to unmask]
Portland, Maine    Land of lighthouses   57    deg. F

On Sun, 18 Oct 1998 17:36:49 -0300 Peter Kidd <[log in to unmask]> writes,
in part
>Hello everyone,
>Harold Jones wrote that Maine is going to use the Dr. James Parkinson


Hi Peter and Harold:

I write only as myself,
perhaps reflecting
some of the Parkinson's folks in Maine.

within me is a different feeling from yours

I feel that the tulip conveys hope,
but not URGENCY.

At 48, I already feel that my good time is going fast,
and worse times are MUCH too close.
I can empathize with the hopefulness of tulips,
and all spring flowers.

I love tulips---but also wonder if the hourglass is perhaps a more
powerful symbol?

 My friend, Ashley, a young artist, and I, have created and printed 24
T-shirts as a test run.  They have disappeared like hotcakes with maple
syrup---using the hourglass logo, and the theme,
"Our Time is Running Out."

The tulip is a wonderful symbol of hope--in fact I have planted, in the
aftermath of the August fire that destroyed my former home above the
a beautiful garden rich in red tulips,
some with yellow centers.
And one or two Parkinson's-like tulips.
And also a whole garden of gay tulips,


 light violet and smoky magenta.

Oh, Peter, back to the hourglass idea--it STARTLES onlookers.  It wakes
them up immediately.  At a memorial gathering from Matthew Shepard
yesterday, people knew about the URGENCYof curing Parkinson's, after
seeing that hourglass.

Jim Cordy of Pennsylvania, the man who introduced me to this wonderful
used the HOURGLASS to provoke Congress out of their bureaucratic
when he testified this past March, 1998, to push forward our beloved
Udall funding efforts.

Parkinson's shortens my time
and makes it more precious
as well as more gloomy

Often it feels like my time
is running out,
not walking or ambling
but trotting precariously
 towards the journey's completion
with an un-wanted and mysterious

like a massive tug from outer space
which pulls my shoulders back

as if my own internal clock had been reset
by an alien force

Ivan S. 48 / 12 / 9.5