

h. Moreover, prions are almost
>totally resistant to conventional asepsis technique such as
>autoclaving or formaldehyde. From evidence that the infectious
>agents may be alike or closely related, and the long latency
>which prevents detection of vectors or carriers, Rhodes sees a
>remote but real possibility of a global plague that could wipe
>out the human species

The operative word is 'remote.'  Prion diseases have been with us for a very
long time.  Certainly, they were present at the turn of the century when
slaughter-house processing was anything but clean (remember _The Jungle_?)
Yet, the incident of prion-caused diseases have remained relatively stable.
CJD has maintained a pretty steady incidence in the U.S.A (where spongiform
encephalitis  has never been documented).

So, folks, enjoy that steak.
Mary Ann