

One method is to go to your local library of medicine (try the nearest
medical school or medical center) and copy it by Xerox.  Some journals also
have access to some articles on-line--I'm not sure about NEJM.  Good luck!


At 04:29 PM 10/19/98 -0400, you wrote:
>"NEJM Review Of PD                               17 October 1998
>The current (8 Oct 98, 15 Oct 98) issues of the New England
>Journal of Medicine (*) carry the most authoritative, complete
>(24 pages, 199 references) review of the scientific aspects of
>PD yet seen."
>End quote
>Does anybody know how to obtain copies of this article. PS: I would be
>to do some of the dog work, to help distribute the article (legally).
>K-F (CG Carline)
Carole L.  Cassidy, CFRE
Director of Developmenet and Community Relations
The Parkinson's Institute
1170 Morse Avenue
Sunnyvale, CA  94089
408-542-5628 direct line
408-734-8522 fax