

Lorraine and Parkinson's Info Exchange members:
Got this letter a couple of days ago.  It is from Sandy Levin, U. S.
Congressman from MI. Am recopying it here.

Oct. 5, 1998

Dear Mrs. Brock:

Remembering your support for HR 1260, the Morris K. Udall Parkinson's Research
Act, I thought you would like an update on this legislation.

As a cosponsor of HR 1260, I have written to members of the Subcommittee on
Labor, Health and Human Services and Education Appropriations encouraging them
to support a substantially increased investment in Parkinson's research in the
fiscal year 1999 bill.

As you are aware, Parkinson's is a debilitating disease that affects over a
million U. S. citizens and cost the government an estimated $7 billion
annually in medical costs.  As our population ages, these already substantial
numbers and costs will only grow larger.  It is because of this that I have
been and continue to be a supporter of The Udall bill and other measures
focused on funding relevant research.

Our commitment to funding research in this area has already paid off.  This
past year we saw two very significant, promising breakthroughs:  the discovery
of an abnormality in a gene that causes Parkinson's disease in some families;
and the development of an electrical stimulation brain implant that has shown
great success in clinical trials in restoring normal or near-normal movements
to patients with severe Parkinson's.  It is my belief that investments in
finding a cure for Parkinson's are more critical than ever as we face the
health care needs of an aging population.

Be assured of my continued strong support for Parkinson's research.

Sander M. Levin