

Actually I think we do our job quite well. We just don't do it loud
Everybody has heard of Lou Gehrig's disease, because everybody has heard
of Lou Gehrig!
We need a loudmouthed spokesman - but the very nature of the disease
prevents us.
PD causes us to be soft spoken, and kind of slow to speak; the words
just dont come out of our mouths fast enough, and so our voices don't
get heard. Figuratively and literally.
Hilary Blue

> A recent story in the local press about a municipal councillor who has been
> diagnosed with ALS shocked me. ALS, or Lou Gehrig's Disease, has a very high
> profile in the community. I suspect this is even stronger in the U.S. What
> shocked me was not just the news about a councillor I know, but the number
> of ALS patients in Nova Scotia. The news story said there were only 70 ALS
> patients in a province of about 900 000 people. Our conservative estimate
> for Parkinsonians is about 2000 people (with some people estimating the
> number as high as 5000). Yet public awareness about Parkinson's is far
> weaker than the public's understanding of ALS.
> We just don't do our job very well, I'm afraid.
> Best to all & TTFN
> Peter
> **************************************************************************
> Peter Kidd
> Learning Materials Consulting Services
> 62 Coronation Avenue, Halifax, Nova Scotia B3N 2M6 Canada
> Tel/FAX: (902) 443-4262 Email: [log in to unmask]
> URL:
> >