

Here's the latest I've found about the situation surrounding 1999
NIH appropriations.  Nothing new about the NIH numbers in particular.
Just that the monster omnibus bill containing combined outstanding
1999 appropriations for government operations to the tune of $500
billion, which congressional leaders and the White House put
together and agreed to in last mimute negotiations last week, and
which supposedly includes a lot of pork, is scheduled for a vote
tomorrow (Tuesday). I presume the point of last week's negotiations
and the agreement was to prevent any presidential veto, which would
have put the bill back into Congress's lap and further postponed

The package contains about 4000 pages, and some members of Congress
and/or their aides still don't know what all is in it, according to
AP Newswire.  "Ironically, the mammoth bill includes provisions
dealing with the government's Paperwork Reduction Act. Only a few
copies of the bill were available Monday, and none were provided for
the public."

There may be a debate on whether to put the bill to a voice vote.  A
voice vote has the advantage that the Congressmen who have already
gone home as well as those remaining behind will escape the
responsibility of having their absence or vote put on record.

Perhaps they should be allowed to leave behind wind-up maniken
likenesses so as to make up a quorum.

That's how business in Congress is done when they're down to the
wire.  As someone once said, when you put things off to the last
minute, they only take a minute.

I saw another article saying that many voters are unhappy with their
Congressmen, yet the latter will run for re-election unopposed.

God save us.

Phil Tompkins
Hoboken NJ
age 60/dx 1900