

Perhaps a partial excerpt from todays New York Times will help expalin why we
don't know what is happening with funding for Parkinsons.
To quote:
"Once the House passes the bill,it moves to the Senate.Senator Lott of Miss.,
the majority leader,has indicated that the Senate might not insist on a roll-
call vote.This means the Senate would probably have no debatr on the bill and
Senators would not have to return to Washington,leaving the passage of the
bill to a voice vote by those who chose to return.
The prospect of a voice vote on such a hugh package with so many elements has
raised the ire even of some republicans.the harshest criticism came from
Senator Chuck Hagel,Republican of Nebraska,who has excoriated the Republican
leadership as secret dealmakers and said he would vote against the bill.
"I don't believe the founding fathers ever intended for a few members and
staff to make closed-door,arbitary decisions on almost one-third of the
Federal budget and then sneak it through on a voice vote," he wrote in a
letter to co;;eagues today.

Republican officials said Senator Lott wanted to avoid a roll-call vote in
part to avoid a public display of anger among Republicans over the process and
the result.But they also said that the complaints were pushing Mr.Lott toward
havinfga roll-call vote after all.In any case, A Senate vote would probably
not come until Wednesday,which is
why Congress and the White House agreed tonight to extend their deadline for
passing the budget.

This is just part of the article,but it shows how difficult this is at this
time in history.

No further comments. If I hear anything more I'll post it.

Lorraine Jeffe