

McLean wrote:
> In my research on the internet about Eldepryl/Selegaline....I have read
> that the doseage prescribed is usually 5-10mg a day.  I have read in a few
> places that some think that the 5mg a day is adequate.  My husband is
> taking 5mg in the morning and another 5 mg at lunch.  He is also taking
> 1.5mg Miapex 3xday.  I am just wondering what others that are taking
> Eldepryl feel about doseage.
> Thank you for your input!
> Juelie McLean  CG/Dan 50/dx98

I take 5mg when I wake up and again at noon.  Seems to do the trick and
is what, I believe, is typically prescribed.

Keith Chancey