

Hi Wendy

Here's my offering...


On Thursday I was normal, dammit,
and now just look at me -
I'm fifty-nine
and half as fine
as what I ought to be!

Last Thursday I was normal
(I was "ON" you see)
My pills had worked -
no tablet shirked -
and coped with my PD

Last Thursday I was normal
'Twas plain for all to see:
I went in public: no one asked
"What CAN be wrong with he?"
Now I'm all tense,
my tremor's bad
my anguish all can see...

Last Thursday I was normal -
Diane had said it first
Good title for a book, said Mike -
I'm starting with this verse.

I try to help the younger ones
make sense of their PD.
It's not too hard,
once they have seen
how variable it can be!

Last Thursday I was normal:
or so it seemed to me.
But you, no doubt,
could see the truth ...
you chose to humour me.

I ride my bike,
I play some squash,
I force myself to do
those things which once I did with ease -
you should see me tie my shoe:
for when I'm OFF, my hands don't work
and then it's "no can do"!

Last Thursday I was normal (?) -
Will I ever be again?
Thank you YAPP&RS, for your support -
You help me bear the pain.

Jeremy Browne - [log in to unmask]
Hampshire, UK