

, HMO Basher Extraordinare!!
Keep bashing Ken.  Those b tards down in Washington did NOT ever get a
Patient's Bill of Rights passed & signed this year.  We are still at the
HMO's and other insurer's mercy when it come to denying access to
specialists, tests, medications , etc.

I kept busting you whenever you started to complain about one HMO infraction
or another, saying, it's no longer a problem, Ken.

I swear I heard a news report saying it had passed.  I must have heard it
was about to pass & it did not.
I heard it didn't listening to Bubba lamenting what did not get done this

I realize others here do not give a hoot about this, but as medicine
advances, there will be a natural incentive to resist it's costs by those
that have to pay for it. Better they should be required to pay &  the costs
shared by the sick & well alike - as in Canada.  How would we like to see
Udall passed, treatments perfected, and your spouse's employer's insurer,
Mrs.. Smith's Screen Door Company and HMO, tell you to forgetabout it?

Might be worth checking your congressperson's position on this Bill before
Nov. 3.

Maybe Bubba's so far gone that HE got it wrong.  They ALL should be gone.
Let's vote them all out and start over.

B. Bruce Anderson (52, 4)
Schooley's Mtn., NJ
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