

Bruce Anderson wrote:
> This smells like a bit of a harmless prank itself to me.

I can assure you - this is no prank. As a communications supervisor at a
large hospital, I experienced this first hand. These people are
extremely clever, and this is not the only ploy they use. They also keep
trying until they realize that it's not going to work, then they lie low
for a while, (or try another area), and then they're back again. The
other hospitals in the area were getting these same calls.

There was a report in our paper about a month ago, warning hotel
operators about this scam.

Richard Murdock wrote:
>>>I was further informed that this scam is originating from many of the
>>local jails and prisons.

This is what we were told when it was reported to the police.
Be very, very careful...
Judith Richards, London, Ontario, Canada
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