

        Hi!  My name is Tom Kelly.  I live in Peoria, IL.  I have fought this
insidious, obnoxious, uninvited guest which took up residence in my body and
which we refer to as PD for 20 years.  I was diagnosed at age 29.  Yes, that
is young.
        Current meds are liquefied sinemet, 1.5 Mirapex 3 times a day and Tasmar 100
mg 3 times a day.
        Three years ago I had staged, bilateral pallidotomies.  They were successful
beyond anything I had ever dreamed.  They were performed by Jamie Henderson,
MD, at St. Louis University Hospital.
        I never considered myself a religious person until these surgeries.  The
Sunday following the first surgery, the scripture reading at church was the
story of Christ curing the ten lepers.  The story related how only one of the
ten lepers returned to thank Him.  I remember turning to my wife Pamala and
telling her that I intended to be like that one.
        Since that time I have been a speaker at eight regional meetings of the
19987-98 UPF Roadshow and have spoken to hundreds of PWP on the phone.
        I am married to the most wonderful, supportive, compationate women in the
world. Pam often joins me when speaking to support groups.   She has a very
special message for care partners.
        The first thing I tell everyone is that the most important weapon we have to
fight PD is knowledge.  That's why I "m on The List.  At the moment I have a
particular interest in fighting depression.