

You got it!!
I believe (after 5 + years of counselling and who knows how many
books read, and friends who can give so much advice), that first a
person must be able to recognize  that they are angry. Then take
that energy and do something good with it.
I was taught very early that being angry was bad. Anger is
uncontrolable. Anger hurts everyone. If you get angry then you are
I have had to get rid of that. I have had to learn that it is ok to be
angry. When I get angry then I can redirect that energy and use it.
Either I write, make speeches, mobilize people to do something, or
I get a clean house. More often than nought, I get a clean house.

If you could see my house, you would think I never get angry. lol
It is clean in spurts, once the energy is gone, I don't do anymore

"don't forget how to laugh, and do it often"
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