

Hello Everyone: Geez & all this time I thought that I was getting ready
for the big "M" word! I thought that was the cause of all these changes
is body temmperature now I must rethink that! I need to find out who it
was that sent me an e-mail about his plans to write a second book-this
one about PD; with his wife as a publisher maybe. I read it and filed it
and in this remodeling-induced craziness that has become my homelife, I
managed to delete the whole thing. If you could write again, I do
remember being interested! To Don- Thank you for the maps, my hussband &
iI couldn't get over how accurate they are. You should see our view now
along the Illinois River with all the trees brilliant colors!
Joan Snyder  (47/10/8) <[log in to unmask]>   Peoria,IL
"Do or do not. There is no try."  Yoda