

Stephen Reich, MD, Director of the Parkinson's Disease Clinic at Johns
Hopkins University Hospital, will speak Tuesday, October 27, at 1:00 in the
parlor at Asbury United Methodist Church, Camden Avenue at Dogwood Road
[just south of
the Salisbury State University campus, one block west of US-13].

Dr. Reich will tell us about the latest developments in Parkinson's disease
medications available for general use and about some of the medications now
in testing and trials but not yet FDA approved. He will also talk about the
surgical trends and operations for Parkinson's.

We are in a period of great change and advancement in the treatment of
Parkinson's, but a cure has not been found. Sinemet, once thought of as the
cure for Parkinson's, has been a lifesaver for most of us in that it
usually makes
our PD symptoms more tolerable and manageable. We are living longer, but
after a few years finding the ideal Sinemet dose becomes difficult or
impossible. Other medications are needed. Surgery was frequently used to
treat Parkinson's in the pre-Sinemet years. Surgery regained its popularity
 in the 1990's with
pallidotomy, thalamotomy, adrenal gland implant, human fetal brain tissue
implant, porcine brain tissue implant, and deep brain stimulation, but
now many think that the benefits of some surgery for some Parkinson's
patients have been overvalued.

Dr. Reich, as Director of the Parkinson's disease  clinic in one of
America's best hospitals, is in a position to see what treatment seems to
do the
best job for the different types of Parkinson's symptoms. There will be
time for questions.