

Ms. Steward:

Re: the EPDA survey: I believe they have finished tabulating the results, but
if you (or any of our other friends on the list who may have received the
questionnaire) want to add your response to the list, I suggest you send it
c/o Mary Baker, Parkinson's Disease Socity, 215, Vauxhall Bridge Road, London
SW1V 1EJ.  She's the current president of the EPDA and coordinated the survey.

The U.S. part of the survey was managed by the Parkinson's Disease Foundation
(my own shop) in New York.  We sent it to a nationwide sample of about 3,700
people and received a response of well over 1,000 (comsidered pretty good in
this business).  I will be writing up the results for the next edition of PDF
News (our newsletter).  If anyone on the list does not receive PDF News and
wants to, e-mail me back and I will be happy to put your name on our mailing

Best wishes ...

Robin Elliott, Executive Director, Parkinson's Disease Foundation