

To all ye wise and wonderful people
My friend Anne was just on the phone. She is wondering about her
neurologist. First, he says she does not have PD bu "dopamine responsive
dystonia" which he says is not progressive - and yet he is continually
having to put up her dosage of sinemet to keep her at the same livel of
functioning. When she wakes up in the mornings, she finds her hands and
feet have folded over and locked up. He says this is carpal tunnel
syndrome, has prescribed wrist splints, and now is telling her to take a
large dose of vitamin B6.  Does this sound like a valid treatment for
someone who presents with tremor, bradykinesia, and dystonia - no
dyskinesia, and had a dramatic response to sinemet! Has the time come
for her to seek a second opinion?

HIlary Blue