

William Isbell wrote:
>         Is rage a common symptom of PD?   If so, is the source
> psychological or physical?  Is the source frustration or from
> something in our physical brain?
>         I believe frustration.
>         My episodes of rage began before my diagnosis and medication,
> so I do not suspect that it is drug-induced.   But it is not
> drug-relieved, either.
>         I believe that I control it well.  But perhaps some of you can
> tell me if it gets worse with increasing PD symptoms.
>         I have yet to have an outburst at work.  But it's coming.
> Since they are not yet aware of my PD, eyebrows will be raised.
>         My breakthrough was in recognizing that my feelings of rage
> were usually from within myself, and not caused by my wife or
> colleagues.  My biggest problem now is determining whether my rage is
> justified.  Sometimes anger is justified.  And useful.
>         I would like to learn how others have dealt with this
> problem.  You are great resource.  Better, in many ways, than the
> physicians.
>         You've been there.
> Bill

I don't know how long you've had PD or what your symptoms are, but you
might consider telling someone you work with about your condition.
People will surely suspect something is amiss, and may attribute it to
something worse, like alcoholism.  I told my boss and people I'm close
with at work.  They were very understanding.  Frankly, I have exhibited
few signs that anything is wrong, though some have noticed subtle

Something to consider.

Keith Chancey 45/14 months
Memphis, TN