

Hi Helen....

WHEW!  Ya took all three of the daily dose of Ditropan at ONE TIME?
I get soooo sleepy from even one tablet of it, that I'm afraid I'd
end up not waking up --- EVER --- if I took three at once!!

That one pill just about knocked me out completely (heavy duty
ZZZZZZ's!) and so today I broke it in half and'll continue with 1/2
doses throughout the day and'll see how THAT works.

The urologist ok'd that, but says he's not used to his patients
TELLING him what they're going to do instead of CONSULTING him for
his advice!   I told 'em he's not used to Parkies then! <grin>

Barb Mallut
[log in to unmask]

-----Original Message-----
From: Helen Jc <[log in to unmask]>
To: Multiple recipients of list PARKINSN
<[log in to unmask]>
Date: Tuesday, October 20, 1998 11:47 PM
Subject: Re: Incontinence

>Barb - Now that we are being so candid I'll say that I to had the
problem big
>time. I to was given Ditropan (Oxybutynin) with the same result.  I
could not
>stay awake each time I took it and it made my life slumberland day
and night.
>Finally I started taking all three pills when I went to bed.  It
worked and
>took care of the problem day and night. And I was alert during the
day.  I
>have cut down to two at night and now one and have NO problem
anymore.  Like
>you, what a relief.  Mine started while we were on vacation in New
>with a ragging infection and I stayed in the Condo or the car the
whole week.
>They blame it on  PD.  You may want to try taking  all the pills at
night - it
>may work for you to.